Saturday, July 10, 2004

Kris & Marion's Jack and Jill

This afternoon was Kris & Marion's 'surprise' Jack and Jill party. Actually it wasn't much of a surprise 'cause Kris already knew, many people didn't do a very good job of 'hiding' their cars, and Jimmy was standing in the middle of the hallway when Marion walked in. :)

It's pretty interesting when you try to mix up all of the various groups of friends together. We had Marion's work friends, Mcgill friends, church friends and the older 'aunties'. It's kinda difficult to mingle people 'cause everyone is of different age and background. As expected, people kinda stuck to their own group. :)

Anyway, it was still a fun afternoon. We had a good time chatting and eating, playing some games, and opening gifts. It's funny how weddings seem to be mostly geared toward the brides. The guys just need to be there and smile. Even though it was suggested that people bring gifts for the kitchen (Marion) or the tool shed (Kris), as it turned out 90% of them were kitchen-related items. Kris' eyes would light up when they received anything that was 'manly'.

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