Rey Myseterio & the Heartbreak Kid
Rules of Fight Club (a.k.a. The Jay Lam Beatdown)
- You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
- You do not talk about 'Fight Club'.
- When someone yells "Stop" or goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over.
- Only two guys to a fight.
- One fight at a time.
- No shirts, no shoes.
- Fights go on as long as they have to.
- If this is your first night at 'Fight Club', you have to fight.
Alrite, I guess I'm breaking rules #1 & 2. :P Yesterday, a bunch of guys got together for Jason Lam's bachelor party. It was a wrestling-themed night as we met up at a bar and got Jason to dress up as the "Heartbreak Kid". Compliments to Alan, Mandeep and Simon for coming up with such a detailed costume--the tights and the jean jacket with the broken heart logos and even a championship belt to boot! After a some food/drinks, we headed over to the nearby
Bloor Street Boxing Gym for Jason to endure through more of our emotional and physical punishment. Generally, it was a pretty entertaining night as we all got to perform some 'finishing moves' on Jason--the Figure-4 Leglock, the Walls of Jericho, Goldust's Shattered Dreams, etc. :) However, it got a little crazy when they organized a 'ladder' tournament to see who would have the final shots at Jason. Alcohol & boxing/wrestling aren't usually good combinations. Some people took it a lot more serious than others and were 'spazzing' and I even got kneed in the nose once. The boxing owner was watching us throughout the night and the look on his face was, "What the HECK have I gotten myself into?". Despite this, I applaud Jason for being such a good sport. He took all the drinks, accepted most dares, and had a great time!
Upon arriving home, I suddenly realized that I had left my keys at work. Argh. Luckily, Alvin was home to open the door. Anyway, I decided to go back downtown again to pick up my keys--I didn't want to leave them unattended all weekend. Plus, even though I was a bit tired, I was feeling a bit unsettled from some events from the night. I thought that going for a drive would help clear my mind. Fortunately for me, I also found someone to keep me company for the drive down too. Jeanne was kind enough to tag along at 1:30 AM, 'cause apparently she owed me. :) It was good to chat and catch up with her about all her wedding craziness, but it also felt nice to vent a bit myself. Thank you Jeanne.
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