A moutain of clothes... Where's Boaz?

Huh? Gerfield??? :P
I went down with the Kyrios teens on Saturday morning to volunteer at the "Double Take" used-clothing store, which is run by the Yonge Street Mission. It accepts donations of interview and career clothing and re-sells them at an extremely affordable price. They probably don't get a lot of help 'cause we were doing some HARD LABOUR! Half of us dusted, swept and mopped the floors, while the others were in the back sorting through the mountains of clothes. I must have inhaled a whole 'dust bunny' sweeping through the whole store... It's pretty incredible how much nice clothing people have to give away. Come to think of it, I have some clothes in my own closet that I bought and wore a few times, but it's probably just sitting there now. It's pretty silly how much clothing I have, when there are so many people out there who can't afford to buy much of their own.

Kenric, Jimmy, Ryan, Tracy, Elain, Jenkin, Janice & Ben

Back: Ben, Ryan, Allan, Len, Kenric, Jimmy
Front: Janice, Grace, Sonya, Nicole, Tracy

The Leung Clan: Ryan, Janice & Kenric
After a short nap, I headed out to Jenkin & Elain's wedding reception at night. Unlike Cynthia's wedding reception last month, most of guests were 'older', so it turned out our table was one of the rowdier ones. Jimmy was being his good ol' entertaining self and it was good to laugh at Len's sarcasm again. :) The MCs, Marty & Patty, were great. The games were good, but not over the top, and Patty's phonetic Chinese was a hoot. Although I think the slideshow thing has been overdone lately, Ken and Mei Ling did a great job--it captured the essential moments of their relationship and had some funny shots, but it certainly didn't drag. Jenkin (& Elain)'s speech was also heartfelt, but short and sweet. Exactly what I would expect Jenkin to say. To top it off, Nicole, Sonya, Chun and Mei Ling ended up chillin' out at First Markham Place for some mango dessert. Yum! All in all, a great night... Thanks to Janice & Jimmy for the pics above...
Sunday night, my softball team played a doubleheader. The weather was just nasty hot. Just sitting there on the bench made me sweat. Anyhow, we ended up with a win and a tie. We're doing ok so far with a record of 2-1-1, but I don't know what's wrong with my game though. My hitting has been awful so far and yesterday I dropped a pretty easy pop-up. Ugh. It ended costing us a win, instead of the tie. I've been getting on base, but there have been some ugly hits. Maybe I'm pressing a bit too much... Although I'm not in any pain--I dislocated both my shoulders last year--I probably should do some more exercises to re-strengthen my rotator cuff. Time to go buy some Thera-Bands... I guess it's still early, so I'll have to work out the kinks over the summer... sigh...